Sex and the City ends, The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon begins, Reality Bites helps define Generation X (like it or not), Lisa hates hearing from her favorite toy, Lindsay Lohan is a drama queen, two stupid explodey volcano movies, the Trip series goes Euro, and Steven Segal is ridiculous. All that and more from 30, 20, and 10 years ago!
Apu steps into the spotlight, the Robocop remake is so close, the centerpeice of the Adam Sandler/Drew Barrymore trilogy, Taiki Waititi brings us a documentary with fangs, Seinfeld's greatest moment (or at least George's), True Detective rules, and one of the weirdest, worst movies we've ever seen. All that and more from 30, 20 and 10 years ago
Every episode of Thirty Twenty Ten is special, but this might be THE SPECIALIST. We've got a rare and facisnating look into a musical we were never supposed to see! We're also looking back on 10 years of The Lego Movie, the simulteanoulsy horrific and timeless effort that shot Jim Carrey into a new stratosphere of stardom, and one of the greatest sports movies of all-time. All that and more from 30, 20, and 10 years ago.