April 24-30: Martian invaders land on Halloween, British criminal twins, a digital-video experiment, Natalie Portman lives in a K-Mart, Stefon knows the best clubs, so many TV movie biopics, Brendan Fraser is attacked by animals, and our stomachs are attacked by Human Centipede. All that and more this week on Thirty Twenty Ten, your weekly look back on the week that was 30, 20, and 10 years ago.
April 17-23: Alec Baldwin’s first SNL, custody battles and explosions in the Gulf of Mexico, Clive Owen auditions to be James Bond, Heather Graham is committed, Demi Moore is a guerilla marketer, there’s love on the basketball court, Jennifer Lopez has a back-up plan, Idris Elba is a loser, a new Doctor Who, and Community makes a mob movie. All that and more this week on Thirty Twenty Ten, your weekly look back on the week that was 30, 20, and 10 years ago.
April 10-16: Dudley Moore is crazy, Sandra Bullock goes to rehab, we fear a black planet, No Doubt wants a simple kind of life, Edward Norton keeps the faith, Paul Newman knows where the money is, Banksy makes a movie, there’s more death at a funeral, John Goodman heads to the bayou, and superheroes kick ass. All that and more this week on Thirty Twenty Ten, your weekly look back on the week that was 30, 20, and 10 years ago.
April 3-9: We love Kevin Kline to death, Johnny Depp is a cry-baby, Minnie Driver loses her heart, an all-star nuclear war — live!, Big Pussy talks to the fishes, Samuel L. Jackson gets court-martialed, Steve Carell and Tina Fey go on a date, and Agent Cooper tries some damn fine coffee. All that and more this week on Thirty Twenty Ten, your weekly look back on the week that was 30, 20, and 10 years ago.