Kenny Powers falls from grace, Street Fighter manages to make an even worse movie, Frank Sinatra's last TV appearance, Eminem introduces us to Slim Shady, Mike Haggar saves Metro City, Toxic Avenger returns, it's sweeps week on TV and Oscar Time in 2009. All that and more this week on Thirty Twenty Ten, your weekly look back on the week that was 30, 20, and 10 years ago.
Street Fighter IV turns 10, Milton loses his stapler, Joey's dates a violent Punky Brewster, Madea goes to Jail (The Movie), Bill and Ted debut, Conan says goodbye to Late Night, and TV begins its slow journey into HD. All that and more this week on Thirty Twenty Ten, your weekly look back on the week that was 30, 20, and 10 years ago
Paula Abdul has arrived, Eliza Dushku phones a friend, Final Fantasy VII has its sequel, House of the Dead takes it a little too far, Ted Danson remakes another French movie, Brendan Fraser emerges from a bunker, moviegoers demand to know who Harry Crumb is, there's a lot of love on NBC's Must See TV, Jason Voorhees returns (briefly) for an all-new generations, and 2 Live Crew are as nasty as they wanna be... but it comes at a price! All that and more this week on Thirty Twenty Ten, your weekly look back on the week that was 30, 20, and 10 years ago
Mel Gibson gets payback, Dilbert moves to TV, the Super Bowl gives us an insane episode of The Office, RuPaul kicks it into gear, the death of Nick Jr and the Prevue Channel, Steve Martin's last stand, Tecmo Bowl scores, the biggest network miniseries (starring white people), Coraline rules, and Chris Brown and Rihanna, well... break up? All that and more this week on Thirty Twenty Ten, your weekly look back on the week that was 30, 20, and 10 years ago.