Now displaying: June, 2016
Jun 29, 2016
We celebrate 30 years of Disney's Gummi Bears and Bowie's Goblin King, then leap to 1996 and remember Nutty Professor, Striptease and KMFDM tunes. 2006 brings us to Superman Returns and the second season of the Venture Brothers.
Jun 23, 2016
It's the 30th anniversary of Daniel-san's Okinawa adventures and My Little Pony's theatrical debut, later we discuss Arnold's erasing capabilities as well as Quake's influence in 1996, and finally we Click on over to Adam Sandler's attempted mix of comedy and sci-fi...
Jun 16, 2016
We discuss 30 years of Ferris Bueller - and the original Dragon Ball anime - before moving into 1996 and examining Matthew Broderick's run-in with a creepy Cable Guy. Flash to 2006 and we find Jack Black wrestling in Mexico while Fast & the Furious drifts through the streets of Tokyo and ECW takes over the Sci-Fi channel.
Jun 9, 2016
This week in 1986, the Droids cartoon ends while Ahnuld gets a Raw Deal. Flash to 1996 to see Billy Zane slam evil and Nicholas Cage storm Alcatraz. 2006 sees the debut of Cars and the Prairie Home Companion movie, and Nelly Furtado gets promiscuous.
Jun 2, 2016
30 years ago this week TJ Hooker ends its TV run and one of the biggest Japanese game series launches on the Famicom, while in 1996 Sean Connery plays a digital dragon and Rent wins a bunch of awards. In 2006, Moral Orel wraps its first season and Vince Vaughn argues with Jennifer Aniston.