Disney's biggest animated success in ages, a different kind of Christmas classic, both Brian Griffin and Paul Walker die, Cartoon Network's first original program, and (arguably) Nickelodeon's greatest live-action series and Robin Williams most enduring performance. Plus special guest Sonya Ballentine joins us to talk about one of the biggest live tours of the decade!
Nov 17-23: Two Oldboys go head to head, Atari’s last chance, Anthony Hopkins represses himself, Kathy Ireland is an alien, Sam and Max hit the road, Snoop Dogg finds the perfect drink, Halle Berry is insane, South Park gives a history lesson, Matthew McConaughey drops the weight, Dr. Who hits 50, and an entire network devoted to food? All that and more as we look 30, 20, and 10 years ago!
Another modern Chrismas Classic, Captain Russell Crowe becomes a beloved underdog, a Looney Tunes move done right, Pacino is Lation again, a great week for infamous game music, and the biggest week ever for debuts on The New Mickey Mouse Club. All that and more this week on Thirty Twenty Ten!
Steven Universe and the Nanny debut, while Robocop, The Matrix, and the talking baby movies close out their trilogies. We've also got a modern Christmas classic, the worst Marvel movie(?), a sacriligious religious sequel, and the most difficult to watch Best Picture Oscar winner we've ever had to discuss!